
Education As An Act Of Jihad

Jihad has been associated with the most heinous acts committed by humans in history. It has been related to terrorism, mass murder, and violence, sexual harassment, all of which Islam condemns.

True Muslims acknowledge that although physical warfare in the way of Allah SWT is an act of Jihad, there are many other categories classified as Jihad. In this article, we will try to elaborate on the importance of studying the Holy Quran to know about them and how taking Quran classes itself can be a part of it.

  1. Being a better Muslim

Jihad means struggle or striving in the way of Islam. This struggle can be against oneself. The human mind’s heart is easily broken by worldly problems, and we lose heart often. It is important to remember our true purpose as servants of Allah SWT is to follow him. Not giving up on yourself itself is Jihad. Sometimes we are stuck with a tragedy, the loss of a loved one, or failure at the workplace or school, and we have self-destructive thoughts; fighting against them is an act of bravery and an act of Jihad.

Allah SWT does not burden a person more than what he cannot bear. It is said in the Quran to claiming, “ALLAH DOES NOT BURDEN A SOUL BEYOND THAT IT CAN BEAR” (2:286)

لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا

We need to trust Allah SWT and work on ourselves actively. Giving up on yourself or your life is unacceptable as that is what Shaitan wants us to do.

Sign up to take online Quran classes with Tajweed at TarteeleQuran. They provide Quran classes in a very professional yet convenient manner, helping you incorporate the Quran into your life. The right way to fix your life is all there in the Quran; it is your way of living. This Jihad is called “Jihad of the self.” The Quran mentions this on several occasions; for instance, it says in 25:52: “So do not go with the unbelievers, but strive hard against them with this (Quran).”

  • Fight against shaitan

Your fight against the devil is a never-ending struggle. Allah SWT sees it as he sees everything, and he rewards you every time you win. It is not easy not to be swayed by worldly beauty and temptations. There are haram acts going on all around us. The internet and technology have even allowed us to commit sins hiding behind a screen. True Muslims, however, remember that Allah SWT is watching and that they will be rewarded or punished on the Day of Judgement.

It is also important to note that just because you failed at not letting Shaitan take over, that you are not worthy of Allah SWT’s love or mercy. The point is to keep trying. Allah SWT is all-forgiving, and he gives great rewards for the smallest of good deeds.

You can learn about what good deeds you can do to gain Allah SWT’s favor and repel evil thoughts by signing up for online Quran classes at TarteeleQuran. They are very helpful to those living in non-Muslim countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, where un-Islamic acts are normalized, and it is very hard to ignore them. Taking Quran classes is the best way to seek guidance, to strive in the way of Allah SWT, and to keep away from Shaitan’s influence.

  • Physical warfare for the protection of Islam

This is one of the most controversial topics in today’s date. This hot topic needs the clarity that is only given in the Quran and the Sunnah. This type of Jihad means that when unbelievers threaten the cause of Islam, and after negotiations, they do not back off, they continue to harm Muslims of Islam, then we can arrange a battle in which we follow strict guidelines laid down by the Holy Prophet PBUH. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH showed us through his own example that this was always the last resort.

On the other hand, people are very wrong in associating acts of terrorism with Jihad because of several reasons. Firstly, the order of Jihad is dictated by the Islamic state. The only true Islamic state where shariah is followed, i.e., the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is safe from terrorism; everywhere else, people have formed groups and go against Islamic guidelines that condemn the murder of children, women, the elderly, and destroying places of worship or public places.

In one Hadis, we can clearly see how dying as a war hero is not the only way to achieve martyrdom; the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr; he who dies of plague is a martyr; a woman who dies due to pregnancy and a woman who dies during delivery, her baby will drag her into Paradise with the umbilical cord.” (Musnad Ahmad)

Hence, as good Muslims, we should focus on what Allah SWT and his Prophet have directly asked us to do in the Quran and Sunnah. Sign up for Online Quran classes with Tajweed to learn about the actual teachings of Islam. Reading with Tajweed is imminent to retain the true meanings of the verses.

We need to remember that the point of Jihad is not personal gain or benefit; it is only to defend Islam. Aggressive Jihad or forceful Jihad is not the correct way to go. If you feel guilty or ashamed to be associated with terrorism because you are a Muslim, you should take Online Quran classes to help you learn and strengthen your belief in Allah SWT. particularly in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK, Muslims are viewed to be rigid and violent, and these people are highly encouraged to educate themselves in online Quran classes at TarteeleQuran who have the best teachers and excellent quality of education

admin (Author)